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TELETUBE Pneumatic Transport Systems
Your complementary means of communication

Toll highway

By their nature toll stations have some specific requirements:

- evacuation of funds from the toll booths
- sending funds or documents to the toll booths
- keeping every toll booth employee 100% accountable
- keeping track of all movements as well
- highest reliability is required, sometimes in heavy weather conditions

Major and medium toll booth systems

The MultiNavette Plus offers total intercommunication between the head-office and the booths and total individual accountability.

Small toll booth systems

Transport from one floor to another, or from a single toll booth to the head-office are typical use-cases for the Papyrus system. It links point A to B, with a go-and-return system.

Specific links

Evacuation only of money in toll or petrol stations can be done with the MoneyVac or MultiSafe systems.

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